UDO Asia-Pacific street dance championships 2019

Le Pavillion, Metro Bank Ave, Metro Manila, 1308, PH
November 9th 2019







UDO Asia-Pacific Street Dance Championships 2019

Le Pavillion, Manila, PH
November 9th 2019 - November 10th 2019



Registration is Closed!!!!


Venue Update


WE ARE MOVING, some of you may not be aware but just last week the Aliw theatre was seriously damaged in a Fire, which resulted in our booking being cancelled…. Which was very sad news for the UDO team.

But not to worry we are happy to say, after the hard work of the UDO team we have managed to secure another venue a short distance from the Aliw theatre, approx. 6 minutes.

Nothing has changed about the championships, only the location…. everything will still run according to the tentative schedule which is provided at the bottom of the page. 


New Venue:  Le Pavillion, Metro Bank Ave, Pasay, 1308 Metro Manila, Philippines.


UDO is back with the Asia-Pacific Street Dance Championships 2019...

Want the chance to compete again some of the best crews in the Asia-Pacific region and the chance to qualify for the UDO World champions and win upto $10,000 in prizes read below; 

We will be offering the following categories for CREWS: 

U14 Open

Any crews with dancers under the age of 14 will be invited to compete in this category, which will also amalgamate Beginner, Novice, Intermediate & Advanced competitors. This category will give our younger crews the opportunity to compete for prize's in an accessible, versatile environment, showcasing their street dance routines on the Asia-Pacific stage.

Maximum dance time 2:30 mins.


U18 Open

This category has been brought into place to combine the Beginner, Novice, Intermediate & Advanced division, to offer more variety in one category. By amalgamating these divisions, we can offer a more diverse, accessible, inclusive experience to competing crews. Not only that, crews in this category will all have the chance to win prize's; we don’t want anyone to feel they’ve missed out!

Maximum dance time 2:30 mins. 


Over 18 Beginner / Novice

While catering for the needs of crews at the top of their game, we are also mindful that inclusivity is key to the success of our competitions. Over 18 Beginner/Novice invites crews who are just starting out, and gives these crews the chance to win impressive prizes. UDO believes in supporting dancers of all abilities, and this category will showcase the diversity of talent we encourage.

Maximum dance time 2:00 mins.

(by selecting Beginner or Novice during registration you will be placed in to this combined category) 


Ultimate Advanced

Here at the United Dance Organisation, we want to give all crews the opportunity to compete for the larger prizes; we are therefore thrilled to be hosting the ‘Ultimate Advanced’ category. The Ultimate Advanced is a brand-new category that will be introduced to the Asia-Pacific Championships. It will incorporate the O18 Advanced division, but will also invite crews of any age to compete for the top prize! This allows teams of all ages the opportunity to compete against the best crews for the overall title of Ultimate Advanced Asia-Pacific Champion, as we believe that age should not inhibit a dancer who wants to push themselves to compete at the highest competition level.   

Maximum dance time 2:30 mins.



Over 16 - Popping 



                All Styles


Under 16 - Popping


                  Hip Hop 

                  All Styles 



At the UDO World Street Dance Championships the complete selection of catgories will be available. We will use your scores from these Championships to determine which category you will compete in at Worlds (i.e. if you qualify in Under 10 Open, your scores will determine whether you will compete in Under 10 Beginner, Novice, Intermediate or Advanced at Worlds)



Beginner and Novice: These categories are for crews who are new to Hip Hop or new to competing 

Intermediate: This category is for crews who are fairly experienced in Hip Hop or competing 

Advanced: This category is for crews who compete competively with other Hip Hop organisations and wish to compete at Worlds for BIG prize money 




As advised previously all music can only be a maximum of 2:30 mins for open categories and 2 mins for the Over 18 Beginner/ Novice category , with a 5 second buffer.

There must be no swearing in the music, or a penalty will be given.

Music can either be UPLOADED via the UDO website once you have created your team and signed up the event.

Alternatively you can hand in your Music to the MUSIC DESK up on arrive at the event or EMAIL it to kole@theudogroup.com which would be preferred.

Important: All Crews must bring a back up of their music on a USB drive.


Rules and regulations


The UDO Asia-Pacific street dance championships will comply with the UDO international Rules.

The rules and regulation are on the United Dance Organisation, but I will put the link below.


Please be advised, all team routines will be given 2:30mins limit, with a 5 sec buffer.




Tickets can be purchased online via the Teacher or Dancers account, Just go to the event page and CLICK purchase tickets, if a Teacher wishes to place a bulk order for collection at the venue then please contact kole@theudogroup.com


You can purchase the tickets on arrival at the event.


Dancer Ticker - $50 or 2600 ph peso

Includes: Two day entry

                 Teams & Battles

  Free Workshops

Spectator Ticket - $30 or 1560 ph peso

Includes: Two day entry 



Attendees will be flying into Manila from all over the Asia-Pacific region.

The closest airport to the Le Pavillion is Manila ninoy aquino international Which is approx a 20min drive away from the Venue.  

When looking to book your flights please make sure you have selected the correct dates and airport you intend on flying too and from.



Accommodation in Manila varies in price and rating. Depending on your budget, there is a hotel or hostel to suit all your requirements and needs. Hotels in the area are centralised around the main city centre and manila bay area. Before booking please be sure to check the location of the hotel. 

Here are some links to hotels we have deals with; 

Ola Hostel Manila - Discount code: UDOASIA19

                            Contact: olahostelmanila@gmail.com 

                            Link: https://www.facebook.com/olahostelmanila/ 


City Garden Suiteshttps://www.citygardensuites.com/united-dance-organisation/ 


Century Park Hotelhttps://forms.gle/xiqBq1L7tqnGe9vy8  



Tentative Schedule
