Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions, and our responses to each one. If you have a query about any of these points, or have a different question you'd like to ask, get in touch with us over email or via a phone call, and we'll be happy to help you.

Tel: (+44) 2920 799 199

Email: hello@theudogroup.com


Registration & Categories

1) Do I need to be part of a Dance School to be part of UDO?

No, it is free to become a member with UDO! You do not need to be part of a dance school, so when it comes to registering simply type “NONE” in the Dance School field.


2) Why is my dancer number not recognised in the registration process?

The registration form actually needs the dancer’s name to progress through the page. The name automatically appears in a drop down box when the dancer number is entered; you just have a wait a few seconds for it to be picked up.


3) Why do I have to dance in an age category that I am too young for?

A common question we recieve is: "I am not 10 until August 31st, why must I dance in Under 12’s all year?" The rule change makes us fall in line with most other professional sports. Although on the face of it this seems unfair,  everybody else is actually in the same position as you! If a dancer is 12 in the coming dance year, they must dance Under 14’s all year and so on and so forth. In Under 10’s, for example, there will only ever be 7 year olds, 8 year olds, and those who are turning 9 that year. All 9 year olds who are turning 10 will have moved to Under 12’s.


4) I have more than one membership number what should I do?

Our system does not automatically collate all duplicate membership accounts. If you are aware of more than one UDO membership account in your name, please contact the UDO office by email to confirm in writing which account you would like to remain active. If there are any changes to your personal details, please let us know via email too! The result will be one membership number - with a verified date of birth - and locked in to an ability category. All ranking points and previous history will not be lost, so there's no need to worry. 


5) I have won my category this year or I have placed twice this year, do I move up?

No, you stay in the same ability category for the entire dance year (September – Worlds, at the very end of August). After Worlds if you have won, or placed twice, then you need to move up an ability. Once you move up an age category, you are permitted to move back down an age ability. Please do note that you cannot move back to beginners. 


6) Why can I no longer register for solos or duos on the day? 

In order for our events to run as efficient as possible, and for us to monitor any dancers in incorrect categories, we close registration 1 week before a regional event. Registration can be closed longer before a major championship. Any amendments can be made over these few days leading up to an event but once registration is closed amendments or additions cannot be made. So keep an eye on our social media pages, and any emails from us, to make sure you don't miss out!


7) When should I create a new UDO Membership number?

You should never need to change your membership number. You can always send a password re-set reminder if you have forgotten your password, and if you no longer have access to the associated email address we can amend this for you via telephone. If you change dance school you do not need to register as a new member, simply let us know and we can change the dance school for you on your membership. 

New Processes & Ranking Points

1) Why do I now dance against a set amount of dancers in a final?

Although this may not seem a benefit, it really is! When you used to dance as a group for the semi finals, the Judges would be asked to return a certain number of dancers for a final. This means that they would have naturally placed the dancers, and so they know who will make it through to the final anyway. Placing the top 7 solo's or 5 duo's means that not only do you know where you placed, but you are also recognised for this at the awards on the day and allocated the relevant ranking points. Qualification for the UDO Championships remains the same. The top 3 are given qualification for Europeans, the top 5 are given qualification for Six Nations and the World Championships.


2) The ranking points system appears to force me to attend more events – is this true?

Not at all! The ranking points are actually a bonus for UK members. If you are attending a UK regional event and you do not place 1st – 5th then previously you would not have qualified for Worlds. Now if you attend a regional event and place in the quarter final, you receive ranking points. If you attend more than one regional event, you receive ranking points each time you are placed in the final or semi final. At the end of the dance year, your top 3 ranking points are added together and could make you eligible to dance at Worlds. It does not matter whether you attend 1 regional or 18 regional events; it is only your top 3 scores that will count. So if you attend one, two or three regionals  then you simply have the bonus of accumulating points at these events, and having a second chance of qualifying for Worlds. As with the previous rule, if you attend one regional and do not place 1st – 5th then you can either choose to attend a second regional to try to place 1st – 5th, or choose not to attend a second regional. The bonus with the points is that if you do choose to attend a second regional anyway, then you have the chance of accumulating extra points to add to your first regional.


3) Why do I show as qualified for Europeans / British Dance Festival / Worlds but I do not have many ranking points?

You will have still collected ranking points at events where you did not automatically qualify and these points are shown on the ranking system ( as well as on all past events, located under the Events tab on the website). Your automatic qualification through placing still counts, and you are still qualified for the relevant event. ​


4) I can see my ranking points from the event at the weekend but I cannot see my over all points with these added - why? 

The points from the events are usually added to the website within 7 days of the event, but the master copy with the total points is only updated once a month (towards the end of the month).


1) Why do the Judges stand at the front and not walk around the floor?

The consensus from the Judges, including the Head Judges, is that it is easier to view at a distance rather than trying to watch a dancer standing right in front of them. They therefore leave a gap at the front, between the front row dancers and themselves, to allow a full view. After this initial view of all dancers, they will then move closer and around the floor. The UDO put staggered X marks on the floor, so the Judges can see all of the dancers. They are consequently able to compare the floor.

2) Why do I see the Judges writing down numbers before the dancers even start dancing?

This happens a lot especially at the semi-final / final stage as Judges write down every competitors’ number and then they write their placement next to it.

3) Why do you not offer 1v1 battles at each event?

We carefully select which events we will be holding 1v1 battle qualifiers at. We try to allow an even spread of the styles around the country. In order for us to host the battles we have to have a venue that has two rooms – this is so we do not lose the duos section of the event.

4) At events that have 1v1 battles why do you not offer all 4 styles?

To offer all 4 styles at an event would take the entire day. This would mean that teams, solos and duos would all be held in one room and battles would have to run at the same time as all of these in order to complete them in a day ie/ dancers would have to choose between teams, solos and duos and battles. We would also have to have Judges who were competent, quality adjudicators in each style. This would mean more Judges would have to be working on the event, and unfortunately this would lead to a price increase. To allow dancers to dance in team, solos (and where possible duos) we stagger the battle events.


5) To be placed at a UDO event do I have to purchase the UDO Street Dance Syllabus?

The simple answer is no. Favouritism at our events is not given to a dance school because they are a Syllabus school. Within the rules section of the UDO, you will find hints and tips for the points our Judges are looking for at events: following these are key. That is not to say that the UDO Academy does not have tools that can assist with the learning of foundation styles. In fact, knowing a variety of foundations, and applying them correctly, is part of the Judging criteria. However, how you understand and interpret these foundations and follow the criteria is completely unbiased.


6) I am sometimes confused as to what the Judge's are looking for, or the criteria they are Judging against.

You can see the Judge's criteria on the Rules page. ​You can see "what the Judges are looking for in Solos and Duos" on the Rules page.


7) How can I order tickets? 

If you are a dance teacher you can contact sian@theudogroup.com up to 12 months in advance with your estimate number of dancer and spectator tickets for an event. Our Events team will confirm your order with you 3 weeks before the event, and it is those confirmed numbers that must then be paid for. As an individual you can purchase spectator and dancers tickets online. 

Becoming a UDO Judge

1) How can I become a UDO Judge?

We invest in training all of our Judges. Not only are they independent, but they are top industry professionals. Once our Head Judges are happy that the dancer in question maintains the high standards we require, the dancer is then able to attend our next Judge’s training event. This event is a whole day of training, based upon UDO and our criteria. It is only when this training has been attended and completed to a standard accepted by our Head Judges that the dancer can be added to our pool of adjudicators.  

Affiliated Events

1) What are affiliated events?

These are standalone events; these events, although not run by the UDO, are approved events and run with UDO rules.


2) Do affiliated event placement count towards moving up or ranking points?

No, dancers wins and placements are not counted towards moving up or ranking points with UDO


3) Can I qualify for Worlds, Europeans or British Dance Festival at an affiliated event?

Qualifications are generally not granted at affiliated events, however on some occasions a wildcard offer may be given, any qualification opportunities will be promoted alongside the event.  If in doubt, please contact the event organiser.

Main image credit: Kkyle Richardson, info@southdownpov.com