About UDO

The United Dance Organisation

Założona w 2002 roku United Dance Organization (UDO) jest największą na świecie i najszybciej rozwijającą się międzynarodową organizacją tańca street dance jak i komercyjnego. Mająca swoje początki w Wielkiej Brytanii objęła zasięgiem Europę, Amerykę, Afrykę i Azję. 

UDO daje szansę tancerzom w każdym wieku, na każdym poziomie zaawansowania, o dowolnych artystycznych zainteresowaniach i predyspozycjach na uczestniczenie w pełnej pasji społeczności. Wierzymy w jedność między tancerzami wszystkich stylii i chcemy, żeby taniec był dostępny dla wszystkich. Jeśli tańczysz dla przyjemności, fitnessu lub z ambicjami, żeby zrobić profesjonalną karierę nasze wydarzenia są stworzone dla Ciebie. Filozofią UDO jest pomóc tancerzom osiągnąć ich cele. 

Naszą wizją jest wsparcie i inspiracja młodych ludzi przez pielęgnowanie ich umiejętności, pewności siebie oraz talentu we wspierającym środowisku. 


Chcesz do nas dołączyć?

Musisz być zarejestrowany jako członek. Jeśli jeszcze nie masz konta członkowskiego z nami kliknij tutaj, żeby się ZAREJSTROWAĆ. Konta dzieci poniżej 16 roku życia muszą być zarządzane przez konto rodzica. Jeśli nie masz numeru konta lub pin dziecka, skontaktuj się z nami, żeby połączyć wasze konta. Email do kontaktu: office@udopoland.com

Nauczyciele mogą stworzyć konta, żeby zarządzać swoją szkołą tańca. Pełny podział kroków związanych z nawigacją swojegu panelu znajdziesz TUTAJ!

Możesz również przejść do naszej Instrukcji Obsługi UDO.


UDO World Street Dance Championships 2018

UDO Street Dance Competitions & Major Championships

Back in 2002, one event quickly turned into a global sensation.

UDO street dance competitions are high quality inclusive events, open to people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.

Working and partnering with leading dance professionals who judge and adjudicate at our events, all competitors have the chance to perform in front of truly inspirational dancers that share our passion.

We host 19 regional competitive events each year across the UK, a further 18 around the world via our license holders, and the largest global street dance championships:

UDO British Open Street Dance Championships

UDO European Street Dance Championships

UDO World Championships

New for 2018, our international members can look forward to the first ever UDO North American Hip Hop Dance Championships and the UDO Asia-Pacific Hip Hop Dance Championships.


UDO Academy

UDO Academy – Street Dance Training & Syllabus

The UDO Academy is a development program that provides high quality street dance training and examinations to set industry standards and reward achievement and progression. 

The comprehensive syllabus is designed to enable dancers to gain accreditation in street dance, from a pre-primary level through to a teaching level qualification. Available via distance learning, the training introduces the foundations and techniques in all styles of street dance and guides the student through 48 separate street dance routines.

Approximately 6 hours of instructional videos have been carefully and comprehensively created by our expert dance teachers, who are among the best professional street dancers in the world. Progression through the syllabus and examinations leads to UDO accreditation and is a preparatory step towards the Level 2 Certificate in Teaching Street Dance.

For more information about the UDO Academy, the street dance syllabus and teacher training programmes, please visit the website.


Encore Dance Weekend Event

Encore Weekend – The Ultimate Dance Experience

UDO runs and hosts Encore, the biggest multi-style dance weekend held in the UK. Representing all dance styles through competitions, workshops, showcases, Q&A sessions with industry professionals, Encore is three fun-filled days of dancing, competitions, partying and more.

Dancers can enter group competitions in Musical Theatre, Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, Street Cheer, and Street Dance, with a chance to win trophies, medals and prizes. But for the non-competitive, Encore also provides dancers from as young as five the platform to show off their skills, passion and creativity through their favourite style of dance.

10 hours of free workshops are available with dance celebrities from shows such as Got To Dance (Sky1), So You Think You Can Dance (CBBC), Alesha’s Street Dance Stars (CBBC), X Factor, and Britain’s Got Talent (ITV).

The weekend wouldn't be complete without fun and friendly parties on both the Friday and Saturday nights, plus a live show on Saturday where professional dancers and competition judges perform, including some surprise celebrity acts!

For more information about Encore Weekend, please visit the website.


U DO IT Dance Foundation

U DO IT! Dance Foundation

U DO IT! Dance Foundation was founded in January 2014 by UDO CEO Simon Dibley and became a Registered Charity in May 2014.

The charity was established to make dance inclusive to everybody, and positively change lives through street dance.

It has two main objectives:

- To advance the education of children and young people from under-privileged communities in the art of dance. 

- To relieve the suffering of physically and mentally disabled persons by assisting in the provision of training in dance and equipment to improve their conditions of life.

The Foundation partners and works with local authorities, national government projects, charities and companies, and runs a National Schools Dance Competition project.

U DO IT! strives to inspire, empower and engage through street dance.

For more information about the Foundation, its valuable work, and to donate, please visit the website.


U DO IT! partners

We are UDO street dance #unitedwedance